What Comes After Field School?
An aspect of field school that is not often discussed is how much it causes you to reflect on your likes and dislikes and how much it prompts reflection and refinement of research interests. As [...]
How Field School Changed My View of My Major
Participating in the Yanguanzhai field school program in Xi'an, China was a transformative experience that reshaped my perspective on my major, Asian & Asian American Studies, and profoundly influenced my future aspirations. As someone who [...]
Exploring Transylvania: Castles, Culture, and Adventure Beyond the Dig in Romania
Nestled within the Carpathian basin you can find Transylvania, a land lush with mountain greenery and active wildlife. While riding the train across their exceptionally green landsape, you may hope to find a few [...]
An Insider’s Guide to Choosing the Right Field School
So you have decided that you want to embark on an exciting new journey and go to a field school - Yay! Field school is a great way to experience new cultures, make lifelong connections, [...]
Top 10 Reasons to Attend the Monastic Midlands Excavation Field School
Want to have a great field school experience? Try out the Monastic Midlands Excavation Field School this summer! Here’s 10 reasons why: Learning environment Unlike most digs, you won’t be working for [...]
Navigating Reentry: Tips for Adjusting Back to Life After the Field
So, you just came back home from an amazing experience and now you have to ask yourself the scary question: What’s next?! If possible, try and schedule time for yourself when you get [...]
Uncharted Paths: My Journey Beyond Field School
By: Monique Baxter, IFR student and self-described wizened old crone with unsatiable curiosity My favorite quote is “All journeys have a secret destination of which the traveler is unaware”. As a 50-something, changing my [...]
Discovery and Justice on Providence Island
By Ariel Gilmore This summer, I got to travel to Providencia, Colombia with USC professor Tracie Mayfield. The work of my team is a project of discovery and justice. Archaeology recovers the lost, tangible [...]
Caribbean Field Notes: Summer 2024 Through Student Lenses
This summer, our Western Caribbean field school students embarked on an unforgettable journey to the islands of Providence and Santa Catalina. Through hands-on ethnographic research and community archaeology, they gained invaluable insights into the rich [...]
Jay’s spirit lives on through two IFR students
When Jay Garcia passed away in April 2021, his sister Sarah Sanchez decided to channel her grief into something positive. "Instead of withering away and crawling into a dark hole, I decided to take [...]
IFR Community Shines at 89th Annual Society for American Archaeology Conference in New Orleans
Archaeologists from around the nation (and beyond) converged for the annual Society for American Archaeology (SAA) Conference held from April 17–20, 2024 in New Orleans. Far more than simply a gathering of academics, the SAA [...]
Faces of IFR: Emily Lindsey
As part of our Faces of IFR series, we are delighted to highlight Emily Lindsey, Associate Curator and Excavation Site Director at the La Brea Tar Pits and Museum, and member of IFR’s Academic Board. [...]
Salima Ikram featured in Netflix’s hit docuseries ‘Alexander: The Making of a God’
The recently released Netflix docuseries "Alexander: The Making of a God" has captivated audiences worldwide, soaring to second in the Netflix top ten ranking since its January 2024 release. Featured prominently in this project is [...]
Jason De León on hanging out, taking risks, and his new book ‘Soldiers and Kings’
Anthropologist and IFR board member Jason De León's latest book, Soldiers and Kings: Survival and Hope in the World of Human Smuggling, hit the shelves March 19, marking the culmination of years of meticulous fieldwork [...]
Experiencing the Zuleta Culture
By: Adela Elizarrez I participated in the Proyecto Arqueológico Zuleta (PAZ) in Ecuador over the summer which focused on the Zuleta region, located north of the country’s capital of Quito. Zuleta is nestled within [...]
Raiders of the Lost Field School: Learning Respect as a Modern Anthropology Student
By: Magen Hodapp Characters such as Indiana Jones and Evie Carnahan of the Mummy present the most romanticized versions of archaeologists: people who find complete skeletons, intact mummies, and experience bizarre, cursed scenarios. Many cite [...]
10 Days Deep
By: Annmarie Delgado It has been a while, but I have been trying to get acclimated. The first ten days in Karaman, Turkey have been quite the experience. It took eight days to dig [...]
Walking With the Goddess
By: Austin Jacques The goddess arrived with a fanfare of brass horns and drums. Her palanquin, held aloft by her devotees and bedecked with ornaments and other ceremonial objects, was carried into the temple courtyard [...]
The Adventure Begins!
By: Annmaire Delgado Well, as many of you know I am headed to Konya, Turkey tomorrow to learn how to excavate. The site is fantastic and dates back to 14000 BCE! There has been [...]
Building a Preservation Community through Archaeology: An IFR Site Becomes a National Park
Dr. Bonnie J. Clark, April 2022 Last summer I was onsite at Amache, the Japanese American incarceration site located in Southeastern Colorado. It is one of the 10 primary locations where whole families were [...]
Map of El Rayo
By Andrew Califf The site of El Rayo is massive and abounds with artifacts. Renewed excavations at the lakeside site of El Rayo lead to exciting finds, but raised many questions about archaeological context, [...]
Uncovering Individual #4
By Andrew Califf The sky is blotted out by ominous grey clouds as the removal of the human remains belonging to Individual #4 began. The outer edges of Hurricane Elsa make it a nice, [...]
Crafted and Looted Pottery
By Andrew Califf Chortega archeological sites are littered with ceramic sherds, including incised and painted pieces of polychrome pottery and intricate figurines. These ceramic items are ultimately iconic due to how common they were [...]
Re-Writing the Books
By Andrew Califf Every pile of dirt poured into the sieve at El Rayo has the potential to change what history books preach. Imported pottery, polychrome pottery associated with incense burners and other pieces [...]
Zapatera and Other Mysteries
By Andrew Califf The motionless, yet seemingly sentient, stone figure peers through the dangling vines and swaying leaves to get a glimpse of Lake Nicaragua’s sparkling blue body. There used to be more statues [...]
Spiders, Scorpions and Snakes
By Andrew Califf Students clear foliage around exposed burial urns at El Rayo’s Locus 3 to further excavate the cemetery. One of Geoffrey McCafferty’s goals for this field season is finding this cemetery’s [...]
First Day Breaking Dirt
Grid lines being laid out at Locus 3, the cemetery. The cracked urn in the foreground is one of four visible on the surface. These visible artifacts vaguely approximate how large the cemetery [...]
Visit to the National Palace
By: Andrew Califf We visited the grand National Palace and Ivonne Miranda Tapia, the director of Nicaragua’s Institute for Culture, gave us a tour. Miranda has tried to drastically improve the government’s approach to [...]
A Day in Granada
By Andrew Califf and contributions by Jerry Walter, Simone Judea Muhammad, Philip Hutton, Anna Brown and William Robison. Geoff McCafferty’s IFR team arrived in Managua and bussed to the colorful, Spanish spired city of [...]
The Story Artifacts Tell: “Calcophones” at the Italy: Incoronata Field School
By Dr. Giulia Saltini Semerari, Research Affiliate at the Museum of Anthropological Archaeology, University of Michigan & Co-Director of Italy: Incoronata The plateau of Incoronata is ringed along its edges by a vast [...]
From the Textbook to Reality: Exploring Japanese Internment through Artifacts & the People Who Remember Them
My name is Kylie Dillinger, and I’m a senior at the University of Denver majoring in Anthropology and minoring in Emergent Digital Practices. I attended an IFR field school in 2018 at the former [...]
What Did IFR Students Find This Year?
From US-CO:Amache: “My favorite artifacts, and the ones that excite me the most, are those that tell a story. One artifact we find are these homemade coal scoops made of [...]
The Gallina Phase: Hillbillies or Hippies?
By Gary Chandler, 2019 Field School Student from New Mexico: Puebloan Rebels of The Southwest Have you ever tried putting together a complex jigsaw puzzle? You eventually find one piece that doesn’t [...]
How Field School Made Me a Researcher
I’m Julian Gonzalez, a Psychology major and Anthropology minor studying at California State University, Los Angeles. When I expressed to my professor that I was interested in attending a field school, he immediately recommended [...]
Updates from the Field 2019
Summer is here, and our field season is in full swing! From museum studies to primatology to indigenous archaeology, IFR students are engaged in hands-on research around the world. Check out the following updates [...]
An Interview with Dr. Mark Harrison
Meet Dr. Mark E. Harrison, Ecologist at the Borneo Nature Foundation and Director of our Indonesia: Peat Ecology field school. The program is based in the Sebangau peat-swamp forest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo – [...]
Combining My Passions in Anthropology and Communications: An Inside Look at My Internship with the IFR
My name is Marisa Saldaña, and I am a senior at the University of La Verne majoring in Communications with an emphasis in Public Affairs and minoring in Anthropology. I have always been interested [...]
A Day in the Life at Corral Redondo, Peru: Community Collaboration in Archaeology
By Vanessa Muros, April 2019 [Traducción al español abajo] Last summer, the Corral Redondo Archaeology Project began its first season of a multidisciplinary effort to reexamine the previously excavated site of Corral Redondo, near [...]
Drawing in the Margins: Painting A Fuller Picture of The Ancient Southwest
The Gallina people inhabited an area of high elevations with inaccessible mesas, razorback ridges, and deep canyons (Photo 1). This rugged landscape was one of the reasons early archaeologists called them “isolated,” “backwards,” or even [...]
From Primates to Plants: Forest Ecology in the Rungan
By Arabella Newton From the beginning of July until last week we have been living and working in the Rungan Forest, gradually building our understanding of the habitats found there and the animals that [...]
Wexford Town, Ireland: Not Just an Anglo-Norman Site… Also a Viking Stomping Ground!
By Dr. Denis Shine & Dr. Stephen Mandal Students are drawn to our Carrick field school for a whole host of reasons – including the opportunity to work within an outdoor museum and live in [...]
What Did IFR Students Find This Year?
From Israel - Tel Abel Beth Maacah: “This bearded male figure head made of faience (a kind of glass derivative), with a decorated headband and distinct coiffure, is being held for [...]
Human Connection, Past and Present
By Dr. Sarah Rowe I’ve been working with community members in Dos Mangas since 2006. The community has steadily built an audience for ecotourism through careful management of their forest resources and investments in [...]
A Day Living and Working in the Forest
By Camille Burton It’s 6:30am and the rustle of sleepy people and groans next to me confirms it’s time to get a move on to make sure I’m ready to pounce on breakfast before [...]
Finding Ourselves in Uncharted Territory: A Perspective from a Vera Campbell Scholarship Awardee
Students who attend IFR field schools come from all walks of life and have unique reasons for joining a program. Some attend a field school in order to determine if archaeology is a career [...]
The Border Trilogy
In the aftermath of Trumps executive order to separate illegal immigrant children from their parents on the U.S. – Mexico Border, the U.S. government is scrambling to reunite the families. The Wall Street Journal [...]
The Story of Amache: Security vs. Civil Rights
Sense of Place for the Displaced The Amache field school explores a location where Japanese immigrants to the US and their descendants were incarcerated at a time of international strife. We have primarily approached this [...]
Maverick Archaeologists: Thinking Outside the Box
By Dr. Ran Boytner, March 19, 2018 Mav·er·ick (/ˈmav(ə)rik) refers to an unorthodox or independent-minded person. Maverick archaeologist refers to a scholar who is pushing the intellectual envelope of archaeology and changing the way [...]
IFR-SAA Travel Award Winners Are Heading to the Capitol
Every year the IFR offers two SAA Travel Award scholarships, to give undergraduate students the opportunity to attend the most prestigious academic conference for archaeology in North America, the Society for American Archaeology. In addition to [...]
SAA Travel, Paper, and Poster Awards
Each year, thousands of archaeologists and students from around the world gather at the most important archaeology conference in the United States-- the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) annual meeting-- to share their most recent [...]
Thinking Big: Synthetic Archaeology May Advance Our Understanding of the Past
By Dr. Ran Boytner The IFR is proud to become an institutional partner of the new Coalition for Archaeological Synthesis (CfAS). The CfAS is the outcome of a workshop held at the School for [...]
The Future of Digital Archaeology: A New Field School Trains Students in Archaeology Database Creation
By Dr. Ran Boytner Archaeologists have been enthusiastic early adopters of digital technology. Much of the data presently collected in the field – from Total Station to remote sensing, images and analytical instrument output [...]
Looking into the Hot n’ Sticky Past to Help Solve Our Current and Future Climate Crisis
By Dr. Emily Lindsey It's getting warmer, so we're looking backwards Global temperatures are predicted to rise by anywhere from 2 to 6 degrees Celsius by the end of this century. As our planet [...]
The Story of Stones: How Do They Tell Our Story?
By Dr. Alec Balasescu, December 17th, 2018 “Rock and Stone: Material Culture and Cultures of Making” is a multidisciplinary field course that aims to study the natural resources of pre-Alpine mountains and its immediate [...]
Salvaging Cultural Heritage and the Archaeological Record in the Midst of Climate Change
Melting away the evidence One of the major themes of the Arctic Vikings Field School is to explore the long-term history of climatic change in Greenland and how people in the past adjusted to those [...]
Anthropowhat? What does “anthropocene” mean and have humans really altered the planet’s systems?
By IFR staff, January 15th, 2018 Is data on a vacation? As of late, climate change has been quite the raging topic among the heated…or rather, burning, polarization occurring in politics. What might be [...]
How to Deal with Increasing College Tuition and Affording a Field School
The Wall Street Journal recently reported that once again, college tuition is increasing (see here). Citing College Board Senior Policy Research Scientist Jennifer Ma, the article states, “The price increases [for 2017] are moderate, but [...]
IFR Board Member Wins MacArthur Grant, Also Known as the “Genius Grant”
Jason de Leon, a Founding IFR Board Member, was announced yesterday as a recipient of the 2017 MacArthur Foundation Award. Also known as "genius grants," the awards are given annually to individuals who show exceptional creativity [...]
50,000 years in 34 days: The Hallmark of a Great Field School
A typical meal in the sky “Wait, where did you say you’re going after this?!?” asked the baffled man sitting next to me on the plane. At this point in my journey [...]
Fred Limp’s Free and Fee-Based Professional Development Seminar Designed to Enhance Your Archaeology Skills
The backbone of the Institute for Field Research is our accomplished Board of Directors. The IFR board conducts an annual peer-review of every single IFR field school to ensure that the highest quality of research and [...]
Solving a Historical Riddle: Circa 1250 BCE, Shire, Ethiopia
Before Aksum there was Mai Adrasha... Mysteries still exist; discoveries are still to be made. In a remote valley in Ethiopia, 45 miles west of Aksum – once the seat of Ethiopian Kings – [...]
The Thrilling Time Traveling Experience of Archaeology Field Schools
Archaeologists typically get their first hands-on research experience through a field school. Field schools, therefore, are crucibles for our profession. Not all field school students eventually become professional archaeologists, but all who participate have formative [...]
The IFR is Offering These Scholarships For the 2017 Field Season
The IFR announces its multiple 2017 field school scholarships in seven different categories! We would like to highlight our Opportunity Scholarships, covering the full cost of field school tuition and airfare. Students are [...]