IFR’s field schools offer hands-on, experiential learning in a variety of disciplines and locations around the world. Our academically rigorous and culturally immersive programs award up to 8 semester credits to help you fulfill degree requirements and further your career in the field sciences or beyond.

Winter 2025 Programs

The following programs are currently accepting applications for Winter 2025!

Ireland: Monastic Midlands Winter Survey

Overview This field school is an integral part of the major research project, the Monastic Midlands Project. It takes a holistic landscape scale approach to community based archaeological research, assessing [...]

  Summer 25 Programs – Open Now!

Check out our first batch of programs we anticipate offering for the Summer 25. More programs and updates will be added as details are finalized.

Armenia: Tavush Excavation & Survey

New Program! All new programs for summer 2025 are currently under review by IFR's Academic Board. We anticipate offering this program, but changes may [...]

Belize: Actuncan Excavation

Returning Program! IFR anticipates this program will return next field season. Details and updates for summer 2025 coming soon. Overview Discover the fascinating [...]

Bulgaria: Pistiros Excavation

Returning Program! IFR anticipates this program will return next field season. Details and updates for summer 2025 coming soon. Overview Venture into a [...]

Ecuador: Zuleta Excavation

Returning Program! IFR anticipates this program will return next field season. Details and updates for summer 2025 coming soon. Overview Hacienda Zuleta is [...]

Ireland: Birr Survey

Returning Program! IFR anticipates this program will return next field season. Details and updates for summer 2025 coming soon. Overview Get an in-depth [...]

Ireland: Monastic Midlands Excavation

Returning Program! IFR anticipates this program will return next field season. Details and updates for summer 2025 coming soon. Overview Join this ongoing [...]

Ireland: Sligo Excavation

New Program! All new programs for summer 2025 are currently under review by IFR's Academic Board. We anticipate offering this program, but changes may [...]