
Crafted and Looted Pottery

By Andrew Califf Chortega archeological sites are littered with ceramic sherds, including incised and painted pieces of polychrome pottery and intricate figurines. These ceramic [...]

October 3rd, 2021|Blog|

Re-Writing the Books

By Andrew Califf Every pile of dirt poured into the sieve at El Rayo has the potential to change what history books preach. Imported [...]

October 2nd, 2021|Blog|

Zapatera and Other Mysteries

By Andrew Califf The motionless, yet seemingly sentient, stone figure peers through the dangling vines and  swaying leaves to get a glimpse of Lake [...]

October 1st, 2021|Blog|

Visit to the National Palace

By: Andrew Califf We visited the grand National Palace and Ivonne Miranda Tapia, the director of Nicaragua’s Institute for Culture, gave us a tour. [...]

September 28th, 2021|Blog|

A Day in Granada

By Andrew Califf and contributions by Jerry Walter, Simone Judea Muhammad, Philip Hutton, Anna Brown and William Robison. Geoff McCafferty’s IFR team arrived in [...]

September 27th, 2021|Blog|
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