Maverick Archaeologists: Thinking Outside the Box
By Dr. Ran Boytner, March 19, 2018 Mav·er·ick (/ˈmav(ə)rik) refers to an unorthodox or independent-minded person. Maverick archaeologist refers to a scholar who is [...]
By Dr. Ran Boytner, March 19, 2018 Mav·er·ick (/ˈmav(ə)rik) refers to an unorthodox or independent-minded person. Maverick archaeologist refers to a scholar who is [...]
Every year the IFR offers two SAA Travel Award scholarships, to give undergraduate students the opportunity to attend the most prestigious academic conference for archaeology in [...]
Each year, thousands of archaeologists and students from around the world gather at the most important archaeology conference in the United States-- the Society for [...]
"Out of the Classroom and into the Field: Ran Boytner and the Field School Revolution" Founder and Executive Director of the IFR, Dr. Ran Boytner, was [...]
The Ifugao Rice Terraces are UNESCO World Heritage monuments that attest to the ingenuity and communitarian management of Cordilleran people of Luzon in the Philippines. [...]
Human activity in Pieria ranges from the Late Neolithic (3,500 BCE) through Hellenistic (330-150 BCE) periods. The Ancient Methone Archaeological Project explored the dynamics of landscape [...]
For nearly 100 years (1908-2008), unidentified remains in San Bernardino County California have been buried in a three acre plot of land located in [...]
For nearly 100 years (1908-2008), unidentified remains in San Bernardino County California have been buried in a three acre plot of land located in one [...]
IFR field directors Eric and Sarah Kansa are working on understanding archaeology Databases through a grant from NEH. The IFR cares deeply about archaeological databases [...]
IFR Board Chair Emeritus Tim Williams, a world-renowned expert on reconstruction of war torn cities, was recently interviewed by Arab News about Aleppo.