IFR’s field schools offer hands-on, experiential learning in a variety of disciplines and locations around the world. Our academically rigorous and culturally immersive programs award up to 8 semester credits to help you fulfill degree requirements and further your career in the field sciences or beyond.

 Open and Upcoming Programs

The following programs are currently accepting applications or will be opening soon!

  Summer 24 Programs

Check out our 2024 field season programs below. Many of these will be offered again in the 2025 season, along with new program options.

Ecuador: Zuleta Excavation

Overview Hacienda Zuleta is a colonial-era hacienda nestled in a beautiful scenic valley in the eastern cordillera of the Andes in northern highland Ecuador [...]

Ireland: Birr Survey

Overview Throughout human history, people have been interacting with the natural landscape, seeking food, water, shelter, and resources with which to build a better [...]

Ireland: Monastic Midlands Excavation

Overview This field school is an integral part of the major research project, the Monastic Midlands Project. It takes a holistic landscape scale approach [...]

Italy: Cortona Survey

This program is supported by the City of Cortona, MAEC Museum Cortona, and La Montagna Cortonese. Overview This initiative is part of [...]

Italy: Industria Excavation

Overview The project Comunità antiche e moderne di Industria (CAMI), Ancient and Modern Communities of Industria, is a community-based archaeological project in Piedmont, Northern [...]

North Macedonia: Stobi Excavation

Overview The ancient city of Stobi, which lies at the confluence of the Crna and Vardar (ancient Erigon and Axios) rivers, was the largest [...]

Portugal: Lisbon Bioarchaeology Lab

Overview Archaeological excavation within historic cities often produce deep stratigraphy dating back to the original foundation of the city and telling the story of [...]