Each year, thousands of archaeologists and students from around the world gather at the most important archaeology conference in the United States– the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) annual meeting— to share their most recent research and exciting discoveries. It is the best place to find out what is new in the field, get feedback on your ideas, and network with faculty and peers. Conference attendance is a crucial stepping stone for any aspiring scholar, and it is coming up soon on April 11th, 2018 in Washington D.C.
This year, the IFR provides several opportunities for undergraduate students to attend and present at the conference. These awards are open to all students, regardless of citizenship, school or major, or prior attendance in an IFR field school.
IFR Undergraduate Student Conference Travel Awards
Two travel grants will be awarded to deserving undergraduate students who wish to attend the SAA conference. Students are not required to present a paper in order to be eligible for this grant. In addition to funding travel and participation in the conference, award winners will be invited for dinner with attending IFR Academic Board Members so they may learn more about our career paths and board members may learn more about the student’s aspirations. This award may cover costs of airfare, room and board, and fees associated with attending the conference. Grants may be up to $600 each.
IFR-SAA Undergraduate Student Paper & Poster Awards
The IFR and the SAA will present two awards for the best paper and best poster presented at the conference by an undergraduate student. The first author must be the eligible individual, but co-authors may be faculty or graduate students. Each award is for $1,000. In addition, the awardees are recognized by the SAA through a plaque presented during the conference, a citation in The SAA Archaeological Record, and acknowledgment on the awards page of the SAA Website.

Savanna Buehlman-Barbeau and Kristin Carline, IFR Alumni of the Argentina-Uspallata field school, presenting their poster in the 2017 SAA annual meeting
Watch below the story and “Eureka moment!” of last year’s award recipient, Ms. Rebecca Albert.
To apply please visit the IFR Scholarship page. If you have any questions about field schools, scholarships, or research opportunities, please email info@ifrglobal.org. Our team is ready to assist you.
Hope to see you in Washington D.C.!